RM160.00 RM180.00
Labbell Keratin Shampoo and Keratin Treatment Masque Behandlung set 1000ml
1 reviews
Price RM160.00 RM180.00
Brand Labbell Professional
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The specifically developed Labbell Keratin shampoo is designed to reduce frizz, eliminate knots, increase shine, enhance velvety softness, and tame those annoying flyaways. With keratin and argan oil, Labbell Keratin shampoo offers five advantages in one system for hair that is silky smooth but still has plenty of natural movement.

Labbell Vitalist  1000ml Keratin Keratine Masque Rambut Kering Rosak Bercabang 染发 烫发 毛躁 干躁e

The Labbell Keratin Treatment's concentrated formula efficiently reconstructs hair throughout, giving it more strength, gloss, and softness over time. The maintenance of the Keratin line goes beyond the purely aesthetic benefits of regular moisturising agents, which make hair more nourished, manageable, and beautiful.

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#shinehairzone #labbell #labbellprofessional #labbellvitalist #labbell solution #labbellsuperstraight #haircare #hairsalon #barbershop #rambut

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