


ShiMeiChao Color Sprite 2x 500ml Mix A and B Apply 30mins Wash Out Long Lasting


The coloring and conditioning balms in Color Conditioner are ideal for imparting shiny highlights to any kind of hair. Its precious pigments grant an even and long-lasting color. It contains vitamin A, B and C and other special emollient substances that protect hair and impart unsurpassed shine and deep moisture.


  •     Adds shiny reflexes to your natural or colored base
  •     Enlivens the color reflex between a color salon service and the following one.
  •     Reflexs and brings back the natural elasticity to damaged hair.

Directions of use

Shampoo hair and towel dry. Mix A and B by ratio 1:1 then apply on hair Leave on for 25-30 minutes and then rinse.


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